Blog & News
Riding the Waves of Inclusion: ECSC's Surfing Adventure
In a heartwarming display of inclusion and adventure, Disabled Surfers Association of Australia provided a unique opportunity for individuals with disabilities to experience the thrill of riding the waves for the first time.
Fostering Belonging and Independence
For over four decades, ECSC has tirelessly worked to create a society where everyone, regardless of their ethnicity or abilities, feels valued and supported.
Innovation: it’s in our DNA
Ethnic Community Services Co-operative has a long history of innovation. Depending upon how you are connected with us, you may know part of our story. But did you know that we…
“I love coming to school!”
Over the past two years, ECSC’s Integrated Diversity Early-education Access (IDEA) Pathway bilingual playgroups have supported hundreds of children and families from CALD backgrounds to successfully engage with preschool.
#UnityOverFear: Responding to coronavirus racism
While coronavirus has prompted stories of community initiatives to support one another, there has also been a troubling rise in incidents of racial discrimination and phobia.
Minister Reynolds: Commit to CALD Access!
The NCCP is so successful because it uses a community development approach to outreach and engage CALD communities, providing 1:1 support tailored to each person’s cultural and linguistic needs, and building mutual trust and understanding.
Making a difference: Spotlight on the CALD CCP
It has been well known since the early days of the NDIS, that access to the NDIS has varied greatly for people depending on factors such as where they live and their cultural background.
GroovABILITY 2020: This is Me
For the past 15 years, the first week of December has meant one thing to ECSC: GroovABILITY! Originally known as ‘CreateABILITY’ and then ‘SportABILITY’, GroovABILITY is an annual festival celebrating the International Day of People with Disability.
Raising bilingual children: support on the journey
Here at ECSC, we have long championed the benefits of bilingualism – being able to use two languages in everyday life.
Human rights are for everyone:
Recent news coverage of the ravages of coronavirus in residential aged care has highlighted significant issues and risks in the aged care sector.
Inclusion: Every child’s right
Amidst all the news about childcare over the past few months – including “free” childcare, changes to drop off and pick up routines, and prioritising care for children of essential workers – one change has gone largely unnoticed.
Stand By Me – Don’t let time run out on disability advocacy in NSW
ECSC’s disability advocacy program, Ethnic People with Disabilities (EPDP), has been working alongside people with disability, their families and communities from CALD backgrounds for nearly 40 years…
Coronavirus: Staying connected across cultures, ages and abilities
What incredible changes we have seen in our world since we last posted on our blog one month ago. In the midst of an overwhelming amount of information about coronavirus…
“You Ain’t Seen Nothin’ Yet!”: The Future of CHSP
It is well known that as the baby boomer generation enters retirement, the demand for flexible and responsive aged care services that support independence and consumer choice is only going to increase.
The Disability Inclusion Act 2014: What needs to change?
The NSW Government is currently reviewing the Disability Inclusion Act 2014. When the Act was introduced, we welcomed the focus on human rights, inclusion and equality…
Premiers Award for CALD Dementia initiative
We were honoured to be among the Finalists for the NSW Premier’s Multicultural Communications Awards (PMCAs), which recognise excellence in the multicultural media and marketing industry.